Your Local Renaissance Woman.

A Month of Play

Usually when I start a new month, I like to set an intention of what I aim to accomplish and the kind of work I want to get done during that time. This helps me get an idea of how to plan out my weekly and daily tasks, but many times my actual results fall short of what I set out to do. Then, I'll feel defeated that I didn't make progress as I intended and it can lead to a lot of negative self-talk where I constantly beat myself up about the time lost. After a few weeks of that, I finally work up the courage to start again the following month.

What I've learned from this kind of trial and error approach is it really depends on mindset, which sounds simple in theory but can be difficult in practice. I want to take it a step further and reconsider not only the mindset involved, but how the projects and goals are framed in the first place.

We already have assigned associations toward specific words that bring in a type of energy. For example, if you're doing a course of any kind, there's usually exercises that follow to reinforce what you’ve learned. Many times, it’s labeled as homework. Last time I checked, homework is still boring, dull and a pain in the ass to motivate yourself to complete.

This is how I felt about assigning myself creative projects, it still felt like work. Photoshoots didn't sounds very fun and engaging. Putting out music covers on Youtube and following along on with courses I purchased only brought dread and discomfort. While, seeing small progress every now and then helped me move along, it wasn't at the speed that I wanted or the consistency. It felt like pulling teeth or forcing myself to sit at my desk to do "the work."

While taking this creative course, Amplify, it challenged me to try a different approach to my projects. Rather than seeing it as work, I get to see these projects as play. When I imagine playing - I think: light, laughter, fun, creativity, flow. So, I'm using this frame for April as my month of play. I get to create play through photography, reading, meditating, blogging and songwriting.

These are my play projects for the month:

  • A Loteria Themed Photoshoot (bonus points if shooting with film)

  • Camera Obscura Photoshoot

  • Document my projects with one blog a week in various formats (video, audio, song, etc)

  • Write a haiku summarizing everyday in April

  • A roadtrip to another state

  • Read three Books (creative, plants, and business)

  • Create a passive stream of income

  • Bike-riding with friends

  • Roadtrip to a new state

Excited to share more of this journey with you. Feel free to join me and play along. Happiness is best when shared.

It's Okay To Be Stuck In The Funk

It's All Part Of The Experience