Your Local Renaissance Woman.

A New Digital Beginning

Hi! Fancy meeting you here. (:

Welcome to my corner of the internet where I’ll use this space to be me and let you be you. It’s an open and honest conversation where I hope you gain any sort of value from my thoughts, perspective, life lessons or whatever random facts/ideas I pick up along the way.

I want this to be an invitation to explore different ways of living, thinking and being. I LIVE for personal growth and this blog is one of my forever goals - goals that I’ve talked about starting for so long, but never actually got around to it. So, here I am! Put me in coach 😜

I’ll be writing about various topics surrounding mental health, overall well-being, finances, relationships, psychology and honestly everything in between related to becoming a decent human bean. This is my way of saying hi to the world, sharing what I’ve learned and bringing you along for the journey because it’s just getting started.

If I’ve learned anything in my 25 years so far on this planet, it’s this - life can be hard. Although, I’m sure you already knew that. What I didn’t know though at first, is that there are different kinds of hard. There’s levels to this shit. & Yes, I curse. *gasp*

There’s the kind of hard that comes when you’re deciding on a career or what university to attend, there’s the kind of hard where you have to decide between having enough food on the table or enough art supplies to pass your studio classes, and there’s the kind of hard where nothing seems to matter and even taking a shower is the most overwhelming task you could ever imagine. I’ve been there and you’re certainly not alone. So, I’m offering a place to learn, grow and be seen. If this isn’t your thing, then feel free to click on the next millions tabs you have open - no questions asked. If you wanna stick around and see what kind travesuras we get into, let’s do this!

This blog is certainly a work in progress, hey, just like me! However, I’m excited to get this going to build a community of other folks looking for ways to improve their daily living and remove a limiting belief or two. I mean life doesn’t have to be all hard, we can have fun too. Until next time.

We Can Do Hard Things